Saturday 25 February 2012

Personal: 3 weeks in 2nd semester

3 weeks  in 2nd semester, I’m still in study-less mode with honestly lot of things comes to my mind right now concerns my studies, finance, friends, family, and of course my beloved. Sorry dear.

     Right, first, let’s talk about studies.FYI I merely got kick out because of my grade in previous semester wasn’t good enough. Everything pops out in my mind when I saw the result. How come? Didn’t I study? Yes I played few times but that doesn’t mean anything because that just intentionally for exercise. However, things happen no matter what and so I got depressed and freak out at the moment but then times fly. Most of my friends got flying grade, even without colors, but hey at least they pass all subjects. Whenever I think about it, am I really meant to be here or there’s some errant somewhere? There was a time I told my roommate “otak aku ni lembab sangat, aku baca buku semalaman sama dengan kau baca buku dari pagi sampai tengahari.” Then he answered “jadi kau kena baca la 3 atau 4 kali lagi.” That’s really got into me at that moment but it’s too late, it already 3 days more before the exam over, but this time I will start from the beginning, fresh start, kick start, or anything you call it. It is too late for me to change my mind to get into other courses rather than English. Why? Because this is the only thing I can do! Furthermore, I am not getting younger; bet I’m the oldest in class, I guest. So, let just conclude no matter what are the causes may come I have to not only pass but at least straight B’s for all subjects this semester. Strengthen and guide me dear God.

       Let see my financial perspective shall we. I’m from ‘kampung’ so guess what I earn for a living, “nnoreh, nnebah dale bukit, jua kkuro(sometimes),ngupoh cabut anok getoh pah banyok lagi lah.”(kelantanese dialect). Most of the people I know, they just call their parent if they need money but not for me. Actually I glad I’m not one of them, wonder? That is because it has made me how and who I really am now. Even when I desperately needed money I rather call my brother or sister. I’ll not call my mom, I mean for money of course. Can you imagine she have to works more than half of her life by tapping rubber trees to raise all 12 siblings? If you’re from ‘kampung’ maybe you can have slight image of that situation. I have to work during semester break. Last semester I just ate rice and ‘budu’ with some veggie for almost 2 month. Sounds tough to me. Remember I’m not asking your sympathy! Just want you to know it’s hard to find money so spend it as wise as you can. Since for this time I will only focus on my studies so hopefully all expenditure would be less, insyaalah.

      Hello my friends. First of all I’m so sorry I can’t visit you guys as I used to and secondly thank you so much for being supportive and understanding for me right now.
